Creation of a municipal situation center
Municipality.Tech provides the technology and services necessary to build a coordinated interaction platform for multiple urban subdivisions, departments and special service units. All tools necessary for this purpose are included in the Municipal Situation Center, which allows dispatchers and management itself to work with large amounts of data and effectively coordinate operations of all the units involved. The Situation Center collects and processes information about everything happening in the city – from the history of road accidents and meteorological conditions to the current state of engineering infrastructure
The Municipal Situation Center combines the most advanced communication tools and specialized software available. This primarily includes a powerful geoinformation platform with the function to connect additional modules, allowing it to process many quantities of information instantly. The results of analysis are transmitted in visual format to one or several screens of different sizes, from extensive video walls to tablets and mobile devices.
The Municipal Situation Center enables the prompt adoption of management decisions at the municipal level, and expedites the control and monitoring of various situations, objects and processes. These include real-time management of traffic, work of police and ambulance mobile brigades, emergency workers, utility facilities, etc. In large, geographically dispersed police departments, the Situational Center monitors the performance of all departments and affiliates, scaling up and down from municipal level to individual employees. In state bodies of various levels of scope, the Situational Center is used for addressing crisis situations and external or internal issues where multiple individuals are involved. In a “smart city” the Center becomes the core of complex systems that combine information flows from a variety of sources and areas of operational control and management. This makes possible a comprehensive analysis of many simultaneous, disparate events.
The Benefits of having a Municipal Situational Center
- it organizes the continuous monitoring of object management regardless of scale, location and structural complexity;
- it quickly relays back to experts and analysts accurate and up-to-date info on all ongoing processes in a convenient form;
- it improves the quality of data pre-analysis through the use of the Center's powerful analytical solutions;
- it improves management processes by involving managers not only in the approval of decisions but at all stages of their formation;
- it provides a rapid simulation of various scenarios for the unfolding of events, forecasting the consequences of alternative management decisions, thus minimizing risks and preventing unwanted consequences.
Analytical core of the Municipal Situational Center and its specialized software
The core contains:
- programs for collecting statistics from multiple sources including video feed, sensors, data on economic and financial indicators, aerospace monitoring systems, TV surveillance, traffic control data streams, etc.;
- mathematical and statistical analysis programs, intended for the evaluation of received information, data sorting and allocation of the most important information by means of fast and efficient algorithms;
- simulation programs that provide analysis on the model “what if …”;
- programs for forecasting future urban environments;
- image processing and analysis programs used for processing visual information, creating digital land models and three-dimensional city models, solving tasks related to the spatial image references, etc.