Topographical survey
Municipality.Tech offers all types of topographic and geodetic works of varying levels of complexity and of any scale
A topographical survey is a part of the engineering and geodetic survey effort to obtain geometric data on a studied area of the earth’s surface, in order to create topographic maps and charts. In such work, all geographic and geometric elements of the terrain and real estate objects are subject to measurement. The need for this arises in surveying, in drawing up master plans or working drawings, in the construction and development of geodetic networks, in updating topographic maps and plans, landscape design projects, vertical planning solutions, etc. A topographical survey can be the basis for building a full digital terrain model.

A topographical survey is carried out in several stages
- preparatory stage: the technical task is formulated and the necessary source documentation is collected and analyzed, the basis and justifications of the geodetic survey are studied;
- link-up stage: this includes designing and linking the filming network to the state geodetic network;
- measurement stage: performing linear-angular measurements of terrain elements from points of the survey network;
- mapping stage: drawing up topographic maps, plans and schemes on the basis of spatial information obtained during field measurements, and as a result of comparison with the data of the city-planning cadastre (if the survey is within city limits), tablets of forest rangers and water farms, etc.;
- transfer: the final stage is the transfer of topographic materials to the customer. They can be issued either in hard copy or electronic form.
Registration of the materials of topographic and geodetic projects is clearly monitored by the instruction for use of an appropriate scale (1: 500, 1: 1000, 1: 2000, 1: 5000), accompanied by s system of accepted conventional signs. A topographic survey is additionally filled with attributive (semantic or verbal) information (description of communications, thickness, height and species of trees, etc.) Such factors are not displayed on the drawing through a greater density of structures or communications, but is entered into the database.
The scale of a topographic survey depends on its intended purpose. The survey is carried out with the help of geodetic instruments: an electronic total station and, sometimes, a tracker (in order to identify or clarify the location of underground utilities).